Thank you for attending ASCEPT-PAGANZ 2019 Joint Scientific Meeting
On behalf of the Program Committee, we thank you for attending the ASCEPT- PAGANZ 2019 Joint Scientific Meeting that was held at Rydges Lakeland Resort, Queenstown, New Zealand from 25 – 29 November 2019.
The theme for this meeting was: Shared horizons: Optimising drug response to improve patient outcomes
With over 250 attendees at the Meeting from Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the United States.
We hope you found the conference both professionally and personally rewarding and look forward to seeing you at the next conference.
Dr Wendy Imlach, ASCEPT Co-chair | Assoc Prof David Foster, PAGANZ Co-chair |
Who should attend:
• academic and industrial scientists associated with drug discovery, drug formulation and drug delivery research and development
• clinicians involved in the prescription and/or review of therapeutic agents
• regulatory and clinical scientists involved in drug development and drug registration, bioavailability and bioequivalence study design and assessment, preparation and review of regulatory dossiers
• researchers in clinical pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology
• education providers in pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology
• students and postdoctoral fellows from Australia and New Zealand in all areas of pharmaceutical science and pharmacy
• government agencies involved in chemical safety assessment and registration
• medical practitioners such as clinical pharmacologists, clinical toxicologists, cardiologists and general physicians.