ASCEPT would like to thank you for attending the 2023 ASCEPT Annual Scientific Meeting.
The theme for the conference was Transformational Pharmacology and Toxicology and provided an excellent showcase of the excellent research and teaching in the region.
We hope that you found the meeting rewarding and had the opportunity to make new connections and collaborations. We would also like to congratulate the prize winners from the meeting and, of course, our wonderful sponsors.
In 2024, ASCEPT is joining forces with the Asia-Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP) and the Australasian Pharmaceutical Sciences Association (APSA) to hold the ASCEPT-APFP-APSA Joint Congress in Melbourne from 1–4 December. We have an outstanding range of speakers from around the Asia-Pacific region confirmed and hope to see you all there.

Assoc Prof Nicola J. Smith
Who should attend:
• academic and industrial scientists associated with drug discovery, drug formulation and drug
delivery research and development
• clinicians involved in the prescription and/or review of therapeutic agents
• regulatory and clinical scientists involved in drug development and drug registration, bioavailability
and bioequivalence study design and assessment, preparation and review of regulatory dossiers
• researchers in clinical pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology
• education providers in pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology
• students and postdoctoral fellows from Australia and New Zealand in all areas of pharmaceutical
science and pharmacy
• government agencies involved in chemical safety assessment and registration
• medical practitioners such as clinical pharmacologists, clinical toxicologists, cardiologists and
general physicians.